Welcome to my revised website and thanks for stopping by. My books are written to inspire and to offer meaningful value to all readers. My latest book, America in Crisis! expressly addresses internal and external threats to our country. It covers several important issues that our nation is facing daily, including: the China Threat, massive government corruption, evil intentions and stupidity. This Politically Inspired Guide is HIGHLY opinionated but informative and tells you what you NEED to hear and NOT what you want to hear. It may offer a slightly different perspective to some political issues not previously considered. Understanding the truth is liberating versus Cognitive Dissonance and will allow informed readers to ameliorate the political decision making process that will affect their lives for generations.
Democrats are NOT our only threat to America…the four countries that I label the “Axis of Evil” are: China, Iran, North Korea and Russia. They are patiently waiting for President Trump to leave The White House so that they can deal with an inferior Democrat. For too long, political hacks have sold us out for their own self-interest! Wake up America! The world has not had to deal with an intelligent and strong willed U.S. President since Ronald Reagan…and some countries are upset with the status quo being changed! Given the right opportunity, these four countries in partnership with each other would be a formidable enemy for the United States…with a truly weak U.S. President in office! Do not allow Cognitive Dissonance to cloud your instinctive judgement and emotional discourse.
A fictional story about the political divide in the United States and President Trump’s extreme promise to keep America safe…again!
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"Operation: Ωmega"
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Diabetes is a complex and chronic disease affecting the Endocrine System and a major public health issue that is rapidly approaching epidemic proportions worldwide.
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"Road to Diabetes"
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The political climate can be complicated and difficult for the average person to comprehend. This guide outlines contemporary political issues into layman terms as everything is political these days.
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"America In Crisis"
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